Black-Eyed Susans

I ask you...when is an element in your garden at its peak? When the entire stand of this or that is in full bloom...just this side of being almost over and ready for dead-heading? 

 Well, as you might suspect, I have my own ideas on the matter. I feel quite strongly that the peak or the essence of when a garden component has reached its absolute beauty...

 is just this side of starting to open up. When the buds tease us with the grandeur that is to come.

 Tightly furled,

 with a petal or two, or three, shyly reaching out for summer sun and warmth...and with earlier blooming companions still strong and lovely enough

 to smoothly pass the baton to the next member of this seasonal flower relay.

Still in ascendance...

without yet...

 a whisper of decline.

As evidence, I give you rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'. The common but stalwart black-eyed susan.

CASE, as they say,  CLOSED.

To read more about this garden worthy plant go here.

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