My Georgia O'Keefe version of larkspur.
Purple larkspur falls into that in-between color category of is it blue, or is it purple? It doesn't matter I guess....both hues are welcome in my garden. What I DO know is that its color beautifully echoes the intriguing lavender backside of my coral poppies,
and it's ferny foliage is the perfect delicate foil to the poppy's bold blue-green leaves. A wonderful pairing of two garden self-seeders that share most of the same requirements to bloom and perform in true cottage garden style. So as a follow-up to my last post Larkspur Lessons ,
(and because I figured a way around my blog glitch) I thought you might like a 2016 seasonal update on whether or not I actually LEARNED the lessons larkspur taught and, more importantly, EXECUTED them in my garden. Plus some additional tips and tricks to successfully grow larkspur, from seed to stalk, in your own garden beds.
Mark your prime larkspur (favorite color and form) from which to collect seed while they are still in bloom. If you wait, you will forget...all dry seed heads look alike.
I did INDEED learn AND execute the lessons in my previous post. Now for some additional info on the how to of growing larkspur in your own garden:
1. Start it from seed....preferably FRESH seed from a friend. Most of us who grow larkspur will have much to share. (I haven't had great luck growing purchased seed.) One seldom sees larkspur starts in has a deep tap root and doesn't transplant or move easily. If you do want to relocate or share seedlings, do so when they are very small, before its roots are established and it is small enough to adapt. Ideally, sow them where you want them to grow.
2. Sow seed when they would naturally self sow by dropping their seed...about 3-4 weeks from now. As an insurance policy, for a special variety or some such, you can sow additionally in the fall (they need cool weather to germinate), but don't wait until spring in Oklahoma, unless you are prepared for disappointment. Heat sets in to quickly for them to mature.
Larkspur and Asiatic lilies make a wonderful combination.
3. Larkspur, if not crowded, given enough sun, and not over-fertilized, will reward you will tall strong stems, perfect for the back of the border or amid flowering shrubs that will hide its sometimes ugly legs. This positioning also provides its towering form protection and lean or nestle into other plants...
that will help shelter it from high wind or rain or inattentive, heavy-footed gardeners. This and planting less densely keep me from having to stake too much early on.