Good Garden Bone Structure

In the garden, and in the gardener, good bone structure is of paramount importance. 

Never more so than in the winter...

when the complexion of both is pale, absent of color and vigor and vitality.

 But good strong bones...

 with the definition and structure and character they provide...

 lend support,

holding the entirety of the visage together.

Personality and expression intact...

and almost equally as dramatic and attractive.

 Devoid of color, but blessed with flattering light and shadow.

 Jewelry and ornamentation crucial to this winter beauty...

taking the form of select baubles here and there,

 the dripping beauty of rare jewels, accessory... 

and adornment.

Carefully dressed to enhance the loveliness of the total effect...

and communicating 

great love and  unceasing care.

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