I visited TLC (a local nursery here in town, known for the depth and breadth of its inventory) and...
all I came home with was more of something I already have. The tiny-leaved, every so charming and dainty...
Kewensis Euonymous. Read more (and order it) here. Despite the issues of pretty much ALL members of the winter creeper/euonymous family, like
Euonymous japonica 'Golden'
Manhattan Euonymous
small leaved Euonymous 'Emerald and Gold'
it is susceptible to scale and the occasional powdery mildew, but all in all
despite its rather slow growing habit...
I DO adore it and the way it attaches itself to surfaces...crawling and clinging up the sides of my stone pilasters, through the gravel (it LOVES good drainage) to
mingle happily with ajuga...keeping company with self-seeders like columbine...
or sedums that have found their way into the area.
It does LOVE the company of flagstone, so feel free to plant it as a step-able in between pavers or bricks...
I am testing its degree of contentment in shallow pots; I suspect that with enough water and attention to placement...
it will perform as well in containment as it does when set free...
to scamper and climb.
Well worth passing by the flashy annual color screaming for your attention...to purchase a more lasting, more reliable, garden addition.