Hyacinths are such unusual botanical creatures. I would not call them a delicate posy; they have been too hybridized for that. Top heavy...a little too buxom in my mind for their height and stature...prone to toppling over when fully formed and at their peak. (Each spring it occurs to me...that if they were to wear blue jeans... because if they were cartoon characters, well, they just might... I would have to buy them in a boys 'husky' or 'hefty' size. Short and stocky as they are.)
Consequently, they are not one of my favorite flowers to use
in the landscape...
I will, however, use them in small pots...
or large pots...or window boxes...or...well, you get the drift. Someplace close, where one can appreciate their divine, heaven sent-heavenly scent. Because NOTHING to me in the garden smells better than a hyacinth. Not a rose, not a peony, not an herb.
(You may quibble with me on this and I can respect that. We can, as it were, agree to disagree.)
At this very moment, mine are blooming their over sized heads off in my front
window box. Along with some alyssum, white petunias, lavender pansies, ivy, kale, and lovely dark green spinach.
More than enough to fill the box, saturate my porch with their fragrance...
and provide a few, two or three, to put in a crystal vase on my bedside table. Not to sound corny...okay, maybe so; but truly, there is nothing quite like waking briefly in the middle of the night ...
and catching a hint...a whisper really...of their heady scent.
* (A wonderful selection of hyacinths can be found HERE)
Please join me and Linda Cavanaugh tomorrow on 4 YOUR GARDEN at 4:30.
We'll be discussing ground covers as an attractive alternative to lawn.