My friend Bubba told me about these charming tiny chocolates from TERRAIN, an on-line shop that is worth visiting frequently for their delightful nature-inspired seasonal motifs, product lines and set design. Idea-generating visuals and imagery that are as tantalizing as these sweets.
These romantic Eastery azalea braided topiaries, case in point. The azaleas, chocolates, Peter Rabbit-vibe bring out the nine year old girl in me...growing up in beautiful Knoxville, Tennessee...with classic, fragrant Southern springs, blooming dogwood, spongy marshmallow peeps and the taste of synthetic Easter-blue grass stuck to a just-licked malted milk egg. Despite these seasonal charms...
the photographer could entice no smile out of me. I am the dour faced one on the far right. Come to think of it, I had a dour, unhappy disposition to match the face for a big chunk of my childhood.
Last week, while waiting in the wings before my gardening segment on KFOR... a friend of mine and I were talking about Easter. I asked her... if when she was a little girl (she and I are about the same age)... did she sport those little white cotton gloves (along with the requisite Easter bonnet and small flowery purse) for church on Easter morning? (Oh, and those lace-trimmed anklets, patent leather shoes, wayward pin curls, and skinny eight-year old, blond-hairy legs...remember, girls?)
Well, of course she did.
To Easter Memories. And making new ones...sans white cotton gloves... this Easter.