Crocs in the Garden

If you are one to take advantage of post holiday sales...and if you, like me, must finally retire your worn out, over-worked, mud-riddled garden clogs...

then I would highly recommend you take a look at the foot-wear from Crocs. In recognition of your <hopefully> having survived both the holidays and the recent Polar Vortex, or eclipse, or tsunami...or whatever the hell it was.

These rugged, but quite cozy (and furry) clogs (find them here) are just the ticket for post polar gardening. And on sale!

But when temperatures climb, and your tootsies become toasty, I recommend footwear that is decidedly more delicate and airy...but still rugged, of course. Find these sandals  here if you are also on the hunt for summer foot couture.

I ordered both on sale! in a tasteful, understated, earthy blend in with the garden scape, and not call attention to myself if I happen to be in my pajamas. As for the socks...

you're on your own.

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