After the Storm, Round Two

 Before the Storm

It's Monday.  After another weekend in prairie paradise. The irony is, I mean it.  After another round of horrific storms on Friday that took yet more lives and dumped up to ten inches of rain...

During the Storm

(see Lake Vater here), it was a beautiful weekend.  The air was purged of the heavy humidity, temperatures cooled, and the sun finally showed itself against crystal blue skies.

Perfect conditions to do yet another cycle of garden clean up...broken branches, shredded leaves, leafy debris.  And then there is drying out the wet basement.  A basement, I might add, I am thrilled to have this spring, wet or not.

Nothing in comparison to the clean up of destroyed homes, possessions, dreams...

 After the storm, and clean up...again.

of the residents of Shawnee, Moore, El Reno and more.

For ways to help the victims of these most recent Oklahoma storms, go here

And, of course, keep them in your thoughts and prayers. 


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