I've been cutting hellebores, or Lenten Rose, from my front beds for several weeks now.
I bought three more today, Hellebores 'Champion'...in line with my philosophy to plant more of what has proven itself in my garden, and being very skeptical about the rest.
Hellebores top that list...shade and drought tolerant, evergreen, and in wonderful shades of white, green, pink, burgundy....and almost black. I plan on trying H.x hybridus 'Blue Lady' (find it here)
for the drama and novelty of the flower.
Hellebores, at least in Oklahoma, can sometimes be hard to find in local nurseries, but can always be found on-line.
If you do run across some as you make your nursery rounds this spring...
do what I did...
and send out what a friend of mine calls an EPA...
Emergency Plant Alert
to anyone you know who may be in want of one of these wonderful perennials.
Labels: EPA, hellebores