David AustIn Roses

My beautiful copy of this year's DAVID AUSTIN ROSES (order one here) arrived this week and, as always, I feel conflicted as I leaf through the pages with its beautiful images of these gorgeous old-fashioned roses.

Many stunning roses; so little space to grow them in my small urban space.  Consequently, I treasure those I do have room for all the more.

I do so love my sweet, pure 'Fair Bianca'. 

Her fragrance is divine.  Where she is now planted -- in the white section of my spring garden -- she does not bloom heavily. Too much shade, an issue I plan to address this spring.  

Still, the paucity of blooms makes them all the more cherished and appreciated.

Each year she blooms in tandem with the 2013 Perennial Plant of the Year:

Polygonatum odoratum â€˜Variegatum’

or Variegated Solomon's Seal. A part-sun/shade lover that manages to look both innocent and elegant simultaneously, a characteristic I much admire in both plants AND people.

If I can produce enough light and space in the same area, I'd love to plant some tall white phlox...perhaps 'David'...to prolong the white theme.

I am regretting that I didn't plant a huge swath of white hyacinths...layering the fragrance, the beauty.

I would even be open to mixing in some white parsnips (yes, parsnips!) if their snowy contribution was not below ground.

But wouldn't they look fabulous in an all white flower arrangement on your dining table?  We can find some seed for white parsnip 'Gladiator' parsnips here.  :)

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