A part of me has always wanted to live in a yellow frame house. With a white picket fence. So when I came across this sunshine of a house in Lincoln Park, Chicago, I nearly fainted with delight. I believe I've already introduced you to its colorful, cherry-red front door.
Now gaze upon the extraordinarily charming white picket fence and the white window boxes, planted with coordinating red geraniums (of course).
Feel free to swoon right along with me as I drool over the kelly green steps and railings.
And someone please tell me what the spectacular pinky-red variegated dogwoody specimen is pulling the whole fabulous fairy-tale vignette together. (I am under no delusions, I promise, that such a wonder could ever thrive here in Oklahoma...sigh).
You will, no doubt, be as delighted as I was as you work your way around to the side, with its matching side-door color counterpart.....equally as gay and lively.
The sweetly curving contours of the brick work, the nodding stems of the cosmos, the promise of respite in a white metal chair.
And then those lights! Wrapping up the whole whimsical setting are strands of what I think of as Christmas tree lot lights.
Happily and coincidentally, those wonderful peeps at dirt du jour (click here to visit) have located them for us, since they can apparently be hard to find. To order some for yourself, as I and L'il Sis plan to do...
I love the effect this happy homeowner creates by using and mixing two different light bulb varieties. Adore it as a matter of fact. Oh, the aura they must cast when illuminated.
Think the owners might invite us in for a glass of pink lemonade?