I can't lay claim to this idea. The idea of gardening with ADD that is, a special form of horticultural Attention Deficit Disorder. You know what I mean. The inability to stay on task. Bouncing from one thing to another, one uncompleted chore to the next, each new chore screaming louder at you than the one before. A friend mentioned this affliction to me the other day, but I can't remember WHICH friend coined the phrase. (Short term memory loss being another mental affliction of late.)
Anyway, here is a snippet of my own experience with the condition and how it looked this morning:
Went out at 7:00 a.m. to plant a small blue-needled conifer. But I passed this spirea so stopped to clip out its dead wood before proceeding to toss out the petunias seen here, because tragically they died from lack of water while I was away :(
While relegating said petunias to the compost pile and mourning their passing, I discovered a tiny variegated oregano plant I'd forgotten to plant in between some stepping stones, so on the way to locating my hand shovel and a little sand for amendment,
I decided to pick some Kestral beets for dinner, then wanted a picture of them, of course, so
started to head inside for my camera, but noticed that a couple of small marigold and profusion zinnias needed to be transplanted from an unhappy planter into the potager as edging, which I did and in the process
along with this handsome hollyhock (weren't you supposed to be a purply-black?)
Oh, hello there...
At which point I can hear the phone ring, and despite muddy hands and because I really have to use the bathroom...
I go in. Without giving that little blue conifer I wanted to plant another thought.