February Prunings: Bracelets, Mascara, Groupon and Hyacinths

It's been a long time.  Since I've served up a platter of PRUNINGS that is.  So if you have missed them (and I hope you have), here you go:

photo from charlotterusse.com

1.  Bracelets  I often get nice comments from people out there who watch me do my gardening segment on News Channel 4 at 4:30 and who then ask me where I get my 'cute bracelets' and things.  My friend Sunshine got me wearing bunches of bracelets years ago, mixing, as they say, high end with low end, i.e. cheap stuff with good stuff.  Soooo, my favorite place to find inexpensive (read: cheap) knock-offs of J.Crew and Banana Republic-like jewelry is probably charlotte russe, and, of course, TARGET (but you already know that).  They have really great earrings too.......won't last a lifetime, but then, neither do trends.

2.  Groupon  I am often late to the party.  My boys are college age and I just now got a Dustbuster.  I didn't get married until I was 31.  I only learned how to text a couple of years ago, and don't get me started on my use of the computer.  So it was just recently that I found out about GROUPON (click here to sign up), and their offering of "one ridiculously big coupon each day".  I have purchased both an hour long massage and upholstery cleaning at a great discount, and both services were very good.  An added incentive, for me anyway, is that it's great for small businesses and adding jobs.  The upholstery cleaning company had to add an additional three employees to handle the response to the offering. WAHOO!  (spoken like the true wife of a small business owner.)

photo from Amazon.com

3. David Sedaris:  When You are Engulfed in Flame  It's been a long winter, to say the least.  If you need a good laugh, run, do not walk, to your local library or Amazon.com to get the hilarious David Sedaris' book When You Are Engulfed In Flames (click here to order).  Better yet, get the audio version in Sedaris' inimitable voice.  It will brighten up a gray winter day, I promise.

4. Voluminous Million Lashes Mascara by L'Oreal.  What can I say?  I'm fickle.  Hands down, this is my new favorite, (per Allure or In Style or some other officious source).  Try it, you'll like it.

  5.  Buy some forced pre-potted hyacinths for your soul, and then sprinkle some rye grass seed at the base.  They are typically available this time of year (I can't tell you for certain, since I have been snowbound again) at any number of locations. I've even seen them at my grocery store.  I plan on buying a cartload of them.  I deserve it.

And so do you.  :)

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