In the spirit of this beautiful Zen creature (aka, my elder son on his recent trip to India), let me ever so simply and meekly...
show you these few images of youthful
unabashed joy
grand adventure
friendship, and yes,
These have apparently been featured in a number of places, both magazines and blogs. But they are new to me, and maybe you as well, my dears. They are pastel prettiness perfection in my opinion, and I'm imagining all of the places and ways I could use them.
Lining Easter baskets? Check. A set of green ones for a St. Patty's surprise for someone? Check. Pink ones for Valentine's Day? Of course. Wrapping some homemade shortbread for said Valentine's Day? Check. Dining in the garden? Check. Picknicking? Why not.
Oh, and Karaweaves make great-looking towels and bathrobes as well. All at a fantastic price.
There. If you can't go to India, let me bring a little of India to you. :)
Images from