What do you think about most? Exercise? Entertainment? Your hobby? Drinking? Drugs? Sex? Your loved ones? Anxiety? Fear? Worry? The future? Your health? The weather? The unknown? Traveling? Illness? Or that old standby, staying busy?
Whatever you think about the most is your god.
A dear friend of mine sent me this passage over the weekend. And I think there is great truth to these words. Both in LIFE and in life. In my life this weekend, my god was in the garage.
I would have preferred god in the garden, but these balmy 70's in January don't fool me. So this past Saturday, when temperatures soared and the garden called, I ignored her. Oh, I did a little obligatory leaf work and due diligent watering given the drought we're in. But it was important not to be too premature about removing that leafy blanket or pruning the boxwood. I've lived in Oklahoma for quite a while now, and I know that winter weather is a fickle, unreliable thing. It can, and will, turn on me at any moment.
Soooooo, to distract me from the flower beds, but satisfy my craving for outside productivity, I decided to tackle the garage. Besides, a clean and organized garage is a supportive backdrop to good and productive gardening. And I knew for sure I wouldn't want to tackle it come TRUE spring.
Now I could show you pictures of MY garage, resplendent in its tidiness, and purged of unnecessary and antiquated sports equipment, varnishes, and the occasional rusty tool. But still, it would be rather boring and not magazine quality. So in the interest of full disclosure, I give you awe-inspiring images of my friend Mr. Sunshine's garage.
Note the expert use of his P Touch Labeler and the way he wields it to designate paint colors and their respective room locations. Then, gaze upon his impressive backup inventory of household necessities
his colorful and cheerful mop heads
Here's a picture of that semi-professional organizer at work on his masterpiece.
And here's me doing my best Vanna White showing off the incredibly-organized-and-well-stocked-as-well refrigerator. Rumor has it he keeps his plumber, electrician and carpenter's favorite beer of choice on hand at all times.
No wonder he gets such good service.