Seed Heads and Homesickness

I have so enjoyed having you along on my little adventure to the Wichita Mountains.  As you experienced day-trippers well know, adventures are meant to be shared         and then reflected upon.   You, my dears, have helped me do just that.  But now, I am thinking, you may be getting a little homesick.  You may be ready to go back home, back home to the comfort and familiarity of our little  p o t a g e r.  And so we shall, but not before we take a little something home with us as a memento of our visit.

And seed heads are just the ticket.
Dried, beautiful little packets of horticultural perfection,
very befitting the  landscape   and the mood of this hiker.

But be careful not to bring home any Trojan wildlife (look closely at the photo above) who would, I fear, be happy to vacation in our little garden.

 The wildflowers, the grasses

all have their little insect stow-aways

some busier and more undetectable than others (and who can hide in places other  than just your seed heads, if you know what I mean.)

Oh, now Husband tells me it is illegal to take anything from the wildlife preserve.

Soooooooo    in deference to the law           and the birds     and the Husband

and the bugs, I'll leave them behind.

Because as beautiful as my little  p o t a g e r  is...

they just might get homesick.