After a long repast, I can feel it coming on. A big ol' gardening binge. There hasn't been a year in the last twenty in which I have done so little gardening. You already know the drill by now. Hail, floods, heat. Your routine biblical, life on the prairie kind of stuff, only on steroids. I am willing to admit that I did not have the strength of character, emotional substance, or sheer grit to rally forth in the face of it all. Oh, and I get very lazy when the quality of light is s#$&^! and the temperature is, well, just absurd.
I was a drop-out in the class of 2010 horticulture.
Now I will replace one character failing with another. I want to engage in obscene gardening gluttony. There I said it. Fueled by the deprivation of this summer and inspiration from the recent GWA conference, I want to buy and plant everything I see. Bulbs, seeds, matter. A veritable horticultural orgy before frost and a wiser, more temperate head prevails.
I want to have an affair with orange and deep, almost black, purple. I may be so audacious as to have it in public. My husband may or may not notice. 
However, at this moment in time, the roofers and gutterers (or whatever they are called) are conducting an intervention, taming my lust and desire.
But as soon as they turn their backs...........and my schedule and back permit, look out!
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Labels: Gardening