My favorite example of this was when I was reading A Writer's Diary by Virginia Woolf and was concurrently picking through VITA AND HAROLD, The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson..............and discovered, quite surprisingly, in the course of reading that the two were lovers for a period of time. I guess I was the last to know.
Garden Surprises Just when you thought all of the Amaranthus tricolor (Joseph's Coat) seed that you bought at the Monticello Gift Store last fall had washed away in the great flood, you spot.........what?.......what is that???........well, if it isn't that gaudy colored Joseph's Coat I planted earlier this spring. Only one made it, but oh does that make it special.
Then there are the naked ladies that never fail to shock me each summer. First by their very appearance (I always forget about them), and then, there unapologetic nakedness.
First, just one kind of shyly steps forward......
then, two and the first beckons and encourages the others
soon a whole friggin' nudist colony is prancing about in nothing but their...... stems!
Shocking! I mean, really I thought this was a prim and proper.........English Garden.
Shocking. Ever so surprising that this could be going on under my very nose, and yet caught me so unawares. And as long as we are talking about surprises a la nude, let me tell you about
Spousal Surprises This is when you are working on this blog and your husband comes to talk to you with nothing but
this little white apron on. Hmmmmmm. Trying to decide which I like better, naked ladies or naked husband. Cast your ballot please. When was the last time you had a surprise from this category? Well pardner........... that's too long!
Surprise Gifts A friend of mine recently moved to Asheville, N. C. and I'm sure was ever so sad to leave her Birmingham garden behind. To ease the pain (and because I knew she would be so surprised) I sent her a housewarming gift of a beautiful leather- bound, ten-year garden journal from the Lee Valley Catalog.
I've had one since 2007 and love it, even though my enthusiasm ebbs and flows in making entries. I also like to give them as wedding presents,
and, one day (not too soon, I hope) I think it will make a wonderful keepsake, heirloom
to pass down to my gardening progeny.
I've been bad, and have stuffed mine with so many pictures and tear-out sheets that I am probably ruining its binding. I should know better, dang it.
Zen Surprises Finally, I was surprised to get this post from Zen Habits espousing the merits of NOT being goal oriented. Surprisingly common-sensical.
Do tell! What kind of surprises did you get today? Oh, and don't you love that little (almost) naked baby on the beach? My gift surprise to you........
And may I ever so meekly ask a favor of you, sweet Reader? If you like my little blog, would you please forward to someone else who might enjoy it.... or who just needs a little cheering up.....or who might want to know you're thinking of them? Sometimes I feel like I'm preachin' to an empty church. Thank you ever so much, Linda.