And may I ever so meekly ask a favor of you, sweet Reader? If you like my little blog, would you please
forward to someone else who might enjoy it.... or who just needs a little cheering up.....or who might want to know you're thinking of them? Sometimes I feel like I'm preachin' to an empty church. Thank you ever so much, Linda.
TGIF everyone! And to celebrate, I am introducing my first regularly recurring (well, should know that I have commitment
issues) weekly feature
Throughout the week I will collect tiny nuggets, pearls if you will, of small things we can do in and out of the garden to address some of life's little irritations.....or make life easier......or lovelier.....
Just bite size helpful hints (notice how hard I am avoiding the phrase 'Good Things') anyone can do
requiring no skill - little $$$$ - time - or concentration (if you are a multi-tasker).
And to give credit where credit is due, some of these little informative tidbits were suggested by readers (yes, I have more than one now) who left a comment, or contacted me about
a post. So
with no further ado!
#1 Love all of that fresh summer produce, but not the annoying gnats
that hitchhike in on your fruits and veggies? TRY THIS:
In multiple areas around the kitchen, place containers with a small amount of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of liquid dish soap to attract and trap the little buggers. (It's been my experience that wine also works, judging from
the number that dive in and then drown in my glass as I stroll through the garden....) . Maybe putting the vinegar solution in a wine glass would
be doubly effective? No ordinary jelly glass fruit flies in YOUR kitchen!
#2 Sweltering in the withering heat of summer? TRY THIS: (quoting
my friend Spitfire....)
"Though continuously lamenting the torture of pulling the multiple dandelions and oak, redbud and sycamore volunteer trees in her yard, normal Edmond housewife, Spitfire, is cheering today. Why? Because she has found the "cool scarf." Yes, the cool scarf, the wonder product provided by the 1000s to our soldiers in Iraq who endure 120+ degree temperatures. Yes, this menopausal maid is now a happy camper after soaking this simple scarf for 15 minutes in cold water, thus activating its secret formula crystals which retain many times their weight in water. Worn around the head or neck, it can drop body temperature several degrees. Says Spitfire, " I just don't know what I did without it. It will sure help in those hot summer gardening months and I'm planning on wearing it to bed to 'combat' my hot flashes." The cool scarf is available at Soldiers' Angels, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping our servicemen and women. Go to Soldiers' Angels Store online by clicking here. Soldiers' Angels Store
Soldiers are available for "adoption" through Soldiers' Angels. Also good for a putting a spring in the step of menopausal maids." toooooo funny, Spitfire!
#3 Don't have any shredded newspaper to take up space in the bottom of your large pot? A reader says TRY THIS:
Use bubble wrap. It's a lot less messy and bothersome than packing peanuts,
won't decompose, and keeps it out of the landfill. I've even been known to
use empty plastic pots if the planter is big enough.
And finally
#4 I've said it a thousand times........the answer to "How to handle the extreme heat
of summer in your garden if you live in Oklahoma"...........
Have a good weekend, everyone! Labels: Friday Prunings, From the Kitchen, Garden